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Robotics Lab

The Robotics lab is very different from the labs of robotics that are normally set up using Lego or FischerTechnic type kits. Such labs are costly and certainly introduce the student to the world of Robotics. However, it should be born in mind Lego and Lego Robots are still toys and not as ROBOTS which we are accustomed to see in industry or doing useful work in scientific projects and studies This Lab seeks to change that. Using Open source technology, the lab uses ESP Node MCU based controllers and a host of sensor technologies to make robots which are fabricated to do useful work including pick and place, lifting heavy loads and navigating difficult terrains.

The technology combines open source technology in electronics and coding as well as in fabrication using the latest technologies. The lab is not a lab of fitting parts together but of making arts appropriate for the task at hand. Using 3D Printing and mechanical fabrication, as well as innovative opensource technologies, students can build a much larger variety of robotic applications than any kit can allow.

The lab envisages the use of two types of 3D printers: FDM and Resin based printing. It uses Opensource controllers like Raspberry Pi and Node MCU.

In addition, the lab is equipped with specialized setups to enable students to learn the basics of The Science of Robotics like Reverse Kinematics and Mapping.

The lab requires components, 3 D printers, Fabrication tools and electronics platform and sensors. It needs at the most 5 medium end laptops (i5 7 th generation with Graphics card and 4 GB RAM).
